Life, Psychology & Meditation.
The Total cure for all Psychological challenges!
The Ultimate way to Self-realization!
The real path leads to Higher stage in Meditation!
The way of living your Life!
Is this your Problem?
Dis-interest in studies
Lack of Concentration.
Absent mindedness
Exam fear
Interview Fear
Inferiority complex
phobias (1000s of fear without reason)
Guilt feeling/ Self Pity
Undue Anger
Suicidal feeling
OCD/ Obsessive Cleanliness.
Insomnia ( sleeplessness)
Stammering/ Female voice
What is Yozen Therapy?
Yozen Therapy is the combination of Indian Yogic and Zen mind methodologies.
An absolute new science of Mind found and practicing by Guru Mohan BalKrishna for more than 15 years and has cured / heightened the awareness for more than 10,000 participants.
He declares that any one can succeed in Life and live happily provided His/Her past negative engrams / impressions could be wiped out from the hidden sub-conscious mind. Yozen Therapy is an answer to all mind-related-issues, insanities, psychoses, neuroses, compulsions, repressions and social derangements. Yozen Therapy is the fastest remedy of all existing methods in the world and it invariably cures, ruling out, delete the insanities/malfunctioning of Mind.
Yozen Therapy, what it does:
1. Yozen Therapy is an organized Science of Mind built on definite principles
and natural laws of human mind like any other physical sciences.
2. Yozen Therapy contains a therapeutic technique with which can be treated
all inorganic mental illnesses and all organic psycho-somatic disorders with assurance of complete cure in unselected cases.
3. Yozen Therapy produces a condition of ability and rationality for both man and woman well in advance of the current norm, enhancing rather than destroying his/her vigor and personality.
4. Yozen therapy gives a complete insight into the full potentialities of the mind, discovering them to be well in excess of past supposition.
5. The basic nature of the Man is discovered in Yozen Therapy, and it can be
brought into action in any individual completely.
6. A particular source of mental derangement is discovered and demonstrated
on a clinical or laboratory basis by Yozen Therapy.
7. The extent, storage capacity and recallability of the human memory is
finally established in Yozen Therapy.
8. With Yozen Therapy ends the “necessity” of destroying the brain by shock,
surgery or any lengthy consumption of tablets.
9. Yozen Therapy removes the undue fears, anxieties and guilt feelings
altogether that results in balancing the mind and freeing from any type of
‘emotional bondage’ and slavery to any great people/pseudo organizations.
10. Yozen Therapy make the people “Self-realized” and understand the goal of
Life and the beauty of it.
What is mind? What is its role in our Life?
Mind is the master of our Life!
If our Mind is not strong and positive, life would never be happy and successful !
The Mind only brings fame, money and prestige to every human being, not the physical body!
Are we living our life worthy?
If one is affected psychologically Life would be utterly meaningless though he/she acquires wealth, health, status etc.
Most of us are living our life just for the sake of living it. We do not know the real meaning and real Happiness of Life!
Our inner mind is constantly craving for recognition and appreciation from others for temporary happiness.
This craving starts from our childhood and grows till our last breathe.
Atlast we feel this life as a boring one and then get totally immersed into a kind of depressions and anxieties for ever.
At one stage we hate everyone at home, in friendship, in the office etc, and finally hated by all.
Some times we feel more fearful, confused and low-esteemed for some invisible root and causes hidden in our "Inner-Mind".
That is why we could not involve fully in to education / career / business and bound to fail in all our efforts.
What is mind? What is its role in our Life?
Mind is the master of our Life!
If our Mind is not strong and positive, life would never be happy and successful !
The Mind only brings fame, money and prestige to every human being, not the physical body!
What kind of person can undergo in to Yozen Therapy?
There is no special kind of Yozen patients as such. Yozen patients range in age from 12 to 48 with the greatest percentage in the mid-twenties. Their occupations vary from spiritualists to professionals of all kinds, including many psychologists and people in this art. Patients come from all religious backgrounds and from all parts of our country and from many states for the past 15 years. The great bulk of Yozen patients have had their previous therapy ranging from Psychoanalysis, Hypnotherapy, Gestalt therapy, Transactional analysis etc..etc.. for many years!
After the patient completed Yozen Therapy, what is he like?
He/She functions in a new way. He become very much normal and is interested in his self rather than satisfying and thinking of others. The normal does not feel lonely and never need to surround him with people or to join some clubs. He never exaggerates, over reacts or under reacts with any one. He gives true reactions appropriately to the situations and context.
The Yozen people are normally normal and stable.
They are content to be just where they are and do not have to imagine that real life is ‘out-there-some where’. The real or normal Yozen people will not have continuing relationship with unreal people. The neurotic is not likely to continue a relationship where his/her neurotic needs are not being served /addressed. The unreal people tend to seek out those individuals who share this kind of unreal ideas and attitudes. Yozen normal is not interested in the exploitation of others and the unrealistic needs either.
Yozen normal would be neither jealous nor guilt-ridden. After Yozen Therapy they do always see in full color, hear in full tone, or sense at the optimum with their organs of smell, taste, tactile and organic sensation. Then Yozen normal perceives the present and facing the reality of Life as it is. He/she never fantasizes but thinks and reacts in the normal way and leads his/her life to the optimum positive level.
Yozen Therapy is bridging the gap between your Aspiration and Ability!
Yozen Therapy gives you the fresh breathe and fresh mind!
Yozen Therapy, the ONLY solution for all mind related issues !!